Friday, March 24, 2006


Utusan Malaysia – 14hb Mac 2006
Adi Putra mungkin dibuang sekolah

" Bekas guru itu berkata, masalah berkenaan timbul berikutan sikap Adi Putra yang enggan ke sekolah kerana bosan terpaksa belajar ilmu asas Matematik serta mengikut sukatan mata pelajaran membaca, menulis dan mengira (3M) yang ditetapkan oleh Kementerian Pelajaran.

Adi Putra yang sudah boleh membaca surat khabar pada usia empat tahun dan mempunyai formula tersendiri untuk menguasai 3M memberitahu ibunya, selepas lebih tiga bulan bersekolah dia baru diajar angka sembilan sedangkan dia sudah mampu menyelesaikan soalan yang mencecah angka trilion.

``Mungkin ada sesetengah pihak beranggapan kami terlalu mengeksploitasi Adi Putra dengan membawanya ke sana ke mari tetapi hakikatnya dia sendiri yang sudah banyak kali beritahu yang dia sudah terlalu bosan ke sekolah,'' katanya kepada pemberita di sini hari ini.

Adi Putra yang berada di sebelah ibunya ketika disoal pemberita memberitahu, dia lebih berminat untuk belajar di Sekolah Islam Antarabangsa di Kuala Lumpur, mengikuti kursus bahasa Cina, Inggeris, Jepun, Arab dan Perancis serta belajar tahfiz al Quran berbanding belajar di dalam Tahun Satu seperti sekarang.

Adi Putra yang hanya ke sekolah antara dua hingga tiga kali seminggu berkata, dia hanya berminat ke sekolah apabila terdapat aktiviti pendidikan jasmani."

Time and time again we heard this kind of things. And it is down right sickening. We just seem to only be interested in being in the limelight and fail again and again when come to factual reality of actual implementation. When Adi’s talent was spotted he was an over night super baby; his talent AWED by professors and big league politicians. Much promises have been made; special education, special school, special ALL ……. Reality > HABUK TAK ADA and this Wonder Boy with the SKY is the limit is now being treated like common undisciplined youngsters and threatened with dismissal. Instead of harnessing this Wonder Boy’s talents for the benefit of the country he is left to rot like dead wood. WHERE GOT ROAD???

It does not take a professor in education to understand that Std 1 education is going to be a demotivation for Adi. He needs special tutelage to harness his special talent and develop his instuitive techniques into procedures that will benefit the society. What are we doing about it? NOTHING. DAMN NOTHING. ALL PROMISES AND NOTHING DONE. Meanwhile Adi is left to the wolves in the like of militaristic, autocratic, beaurocratic, dogmatic, damnatic System that DOES NOT APPRECIATE SPECIAL TALENT; JUST COMPLIANCE….

Yesterday we are shocked by the plight of the First recipient of PINGAT HANG TUAH. After all the congratulations and yo yahs were over, nothing is done to show REAL APPRECIATION…as if the Pingat could provide for his family. He even turned down an offer my the Selangor MB for a piece of land because he preferred to stay back in his home state of Terengganu. And he was awarded a blank wall for his heroism (the saving of lives from death fate in the river is just a form of heroism, turning down an offer from elsewhere to serve his home state is the continuation of that spirit – “hujan emas di negeri orang, hujan batu di negeri sendiri, baik di negeri sendiri). The blank wall denied him access to officers at the District Office for his application for land and have to go through the jungle of procedures that ensure that he wont get the land. Is that a treatment for a similar decorated Blue Cross Heroes? Talk about Delivery System!!!!!!!

We have also heard of the previous wonder boy from Kedah who could read papers at 4 and ended up a roti canai `waver’.

Leaders…WAKE UP. You are elected for a purpose. We want you to take care of our talents and polish, nourish them so that the society will benefit, NOT YOU to take political milage that earned a space in the dailies and after that leave them to the rigmarole of procedures that caters for the masses. Special talents need special care, not because of them alone but so that the society can benefit from this rare gem gifted from God AlMighty….

Monday, March 13, 2006


Today, 13th Mac 2006 I boarded a Triton bus from Kota Bharu to Ipoh Perak. It is school holiday and my family wanted to have further stay at our home town of Kota Bharu. So, I had to go alone. Furthermore I have to attend a 4 days course starting tomorrow and will not be able to spend much time with them anyway.

The bus is rather jaded for Kota Bharu outstation transportation standard that boasted coaches like E-Budaya, Sutera, Transnasional, Mahligai and many more vying with each other to attract the common pool of passengers. That translated to better and more modern coaches, more comfortable and spacious seats with supports left, right and under your feet, blankets for night travel.

As the bus judders forward the glass panel rattles and the undercarriage groans, but moves it does with quite a decent, comfortable ride. To add to the comfort Kelantan style, the in-carriage entertainment started with a Bollywood number followed by Dikir Barats to soothe the sentimental Kelantanese spirit. When Halim Yazit renders his famous Anak Tupai and Diri Ambo2, the atmosphere is complete. No non Kelantanese will be able to fully appreciate this song which sinks to the bone and never fail to wring some tears from the Kelantanese audience;

“……..ambo hormat sanjung segala kasih segala budi,
susoh hok ambo tanggung adik kakak ambil perhati,

oooo…ooo…ambo raso berbesar hati
ooo..oooo terima kasih setinggi2
masa kecik ambo biasa make nasi saje2
kalu ada sekerat ikan, pun kena bagi dua
dapur cuma ada garam jarang benar ada gula
baca bok male2 paka minum air telaga

bangun pagi2, sauk baju pakai seluar
mek ambo rebus ubi
bungkus bui buat bekal
dia pesan hari2: Lim ngajilah pandai2
kalu seksok pas tinggi ore kato buleh jadi pegawai ambo gi sekolah berungga-rungga
oo..oooo ambo nak ngaji wi pandai2

Ada satu ketika cekgu minta 10 rial,
Dia kata sekolah kita nak gi melawat sambil belajar
Uum, takdok apa doh lah cekgu ambo takleh bayar
Ore lain gi belako ambo sorang jah tinggal

Hok ambo perit sengoti kena gi sekolah alek petang
Cekgu kata wajib maghi rumah kuning ada latihan
Ambo lah banyok sekali kena hungga keliling padang
Kerana ambo tak leh nak beli seluar pendek kasut sukan
Ooooo…ooooo…malu nyo wei ambo kena pajam
Oooo..oooo ni lah baru ambo royat kat orang

Terima kasih lah cekgu2 kerana sudi ajar saya
Dari darjah satu hingga jadi manusia
Mintak halal segala ilmu hak cekgu bui selama masa
di tapak kaki guru ambo tunduk mintak redha

Ambo masuk Universiti tahun 80
Budok kampong nak gi ngaji tak tahulah dimana jatuh
Adik2 kecik lagi rasa penat kot dalam baroh
Itekad dale hati ambo nak mengaji sungguh2
Ingat malu kot orang warih warah dok pakat kata
Taksohlah dudok tebeng kalu tidak bangsa kaya
Hantar sekolah anak jantan buat ngabis ko harta
Tidak kata nak pakat ratan tolong bantu sa-amas dua
Ooooo..oooo tak dak warih nyo diri ambo
Ooo…ooooo Demo takse keleh walau sebelah mata

Mek dengan ayah masuk jadi peneroka baru
Dale bukit nak tanam getah di Kesedar Lebir Satu
Perang dengan rimau gajah make tak make takdak sapa tahu
Beginilah ore susoh nak tanggung anak ngaji ko U

Kerana keadaan begitu ayah ambil keputusan
Wahai anak2ku kita pecah lah 3 jale
Mung Halim anak no.1 dok Kuala Lumpur ngajilah sorang
Adik2 tinggal kampung dulu pakat dudoklah drumoh orang
Ooooo..ooooo Selamat tinggal selamat jale
Ooo..oooo adik hok bongsu jerit sokmo male2

Alkisahlah ambo pulok tengoh dok ngaji di U Malaya
Buku rujukan pon ambo takdok paka harap ko salin nota
Rasa malu jugok masuk majlis hak besar2
Baju ambo muroh telajak, 12 rial jah sehelai

Hari konvokesyen, hari utuk ayah bonda
Penah jerih seribu musim harap mek ayah berasa bangga
Tahniah dari saing2 ambo terima banyok sunggoh
Ambo lah ore panggil Halim
Anak kampong sesak hak buleh berjaya
Oooo..ooooo akhirnya ambo buleh sarjana
Oooo…ooooo… syukur pada Allah Maha Kuasa.

As I am writing this, tears flow uncontrollably. The story of a poor kampong boy struggling through family hardship in pursuit of knowledge and the family’s own struggles to make ends meet for this end is very close to the Kelantanese spirit. We are poor people but never poor in endurance and toils to strive for better future for our children. My late father is one such person; an illiterate who was determined that his children would never ever have to endure his hardship.

Views passed by as I watched dreamily through the bus’s glass panel; views I had seen many times before but always different each time; new houses, new shops, thinning bushes, leveled ground to make way for developments, busier road…… ZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz………………..


My wife had a calling yesterday. Somehow she had a strong urge to go back to our hometown and visit a nephew who was hospitalized, leaving behind our Standard One daughter and Form One son for me to manage. About 3 hours after her arrival, the nephew passed away. My late father had a similar calling 16 years ago. He had always wanted to bring the family along with him for his second hajj. That fateful year he said we just had to free ourselves for this trip; else he won’t be able to make it. A year after the hajj, he passed away. Have you not at times have this strong urge to call someone only to find out that the person had been earnestly thinking of you? Or have you not had a premonition that prevented you from traveling at a particular time and latter found out that a bad accident happened along your intended route?

What are these inner callings that seem to see into the future and guided us to act or otherwise? What prompted these callings? Where does it come from? Is someone knowledgeable out there looking after us and guiding us to the correct action? How could a yet to happen future be known? Is this one of the evidences supporting the belief of preordained future? Preordained Future pointed to the existence of the Knowledge Owner. The callings show that the Owner is also actively involved in the unfolding events and do participate; not just as an inactive bystander.

Some misguided soul said that this pointed out to the inherent divinity of human self. Man can elevate himself to divinity through rigorous polishing of the soul. When the soul is clear and shining, he will be able to tap the power of God and be part of Godhood, hence have great mystical power. What a grand wishful dream from a creature that farts, excretes, piss and smells and depend on worldly nutrition for continued existence. Animals also have premonitions and at times able to warn the owner of eminent calamity. Does that point to divinity of animals too? It is intellectually tempting to be equated to divinity, prompted by whispers from Satan and his Syaitanic followers but reality belies the temptations. Far from divinity, we are just weak creatures depending on His grace and mercy for continued existence, no matter what great ability we may be given for this temporary sojourn.

We are slaves of God and that is an honourable title, not a debasement. The honour is to realize it, accept it and wear it like a scout’s badge; ever willing to serve Him while life still clings on.

The Callings make me realize the inseparable and continuing bond between the Creator and His creations. As creations we are to all the time seek Him, be always aware of Him for He is very near; nearer than even the jugular vein said The Prophet s.a.w. He will reveal Himself to those who seek Him. Just open up our mind and heart and seek. Be prepared for His revelations may come at His time and to His design, not ours. Be always aware of our station; an ordinary lowly slave and not His peer, special emissary, privileged group or any exalted status. Knowing our station is the first step to knowing Him, so said the gurus.

“Engkau kandil kemerlap, menyuluh di malam gelap”, so said a famous poet. In the darkness of night, flickers of light showing the way in bits and flashes. That is better than nothing; a dark forgotten soul, groping blindly devoid of any sense of direction. As seekers gain more insight, total darkness subtly evolve to pitch black, showing shapes, contours and movements. The night that seemed devoid of any life springs to view, menacing and full of pitfalls, yet distant light and intermittent flashes guides to safe destination. A reader with good map and direction may also make a safe journey, blindly. Given the choice, I chose vision with guidance along the way……………

Friday, March 03, 2006


I'm humbled by recent events that demonstrate the power of Du'a. The Prophet s.a.w have said something to this effect `Nothing can change Fate except Du'a'. As a believer I believe in it, full stop. Questions crop up in my mind; what if the events have happened such as after undergoing exam? Can du'a change the result after having seated for it? I believe! How? I don't know, but I do believe because The Prophet s.a.w said so, that's all. I'm humbled when Allah s.w.t demonstrated to me the fact and the truth in the Hadith in no uncertain term. I supplicated in that realisation of His Greatness. Laa hau lawala Quwwata illa billah hil 'aliyyil 'Azim.

I nearly lost my daughter. We strive, do all things right, follow safety rules, but things can get out of hand and go awry in a blink of an eye. This just show how weak we truly are despite all the position and power and connections we may have. I'm speaking in metaphors.... When it happened, all the ability to do things could not bring back your daughter, the law could only pose questions, all communication is lost, what do you do? ……Right……..PRAY.

That was what I did. And really pray we did; me and wife and Allah s.w.t answered and I got my daughter back. The great thing is that the sequence of event does not follow the logic of time and sequencing. The events that saved her were in already motion 2 years ago. How is that possible? The last minute fervent du’a was answered in advanced!!!!!! To further dispose off any doubt I might have of this fact, she was saved in the nick of time by totally unexpected resolve and actions from far away. This is His lesson and I’m greatly humbled. I am convinced that my daughter’s Fate was written otherwise but revoked by the Du’a. Just after Du’a the sweetest phone call was received…….my daughter is saved. Laa hau lawala Quwwata illa billah hil 'aliyyil 'Azim.