Thursday, January 19, 2006


Most people when asked about the teaching profession confess their respect for this time honoured profession. Teachers are likened to angels. They are the groomers of the Nation. They groom future leaders and instill good values in students in preparation for giving service to the Nation, or just to be good citizen. They are the conscience of the society; instilling in the students the filter to differentiate good from evil, right from wrong. Without teachers we will be trudging a sure road to disaster.

Is this picture still correct or just nostalgia from the past? Are the current crops of teachers still the in consonant to this idealistic picture we treasure so much? Or are all these utopia, something we would like it to be but in reality just myths from the past? Do teachers still honour their profession and embrace its ideals or are they just a bunch of working people out to make a living just like any other profession? This is becoming the current reality, a sad reality indeed.

My daughter came back from school today a very agitated and frustrated person. She could not accept her teacher attacking her emotionally for some misunderstanding. Being a sensitive person by nature, she could not accept such callous verbal abuse by someone so respectable as a teacher. When the teacher started blurting out vulgar words, the damage is complete.

What is happening? Are teachers now just teaching desperados, using their classrooms to release their pent-up fury for some household squabbles they failed to settle at home? What is to become to our Nation if teachers are of this type. Are they grooming their students to be the vanguard of the Nation or are they implanting time bombs in the student’s psychological make-up? What is the Ministry doing? Don’t they have psychologists and councilors? Cant they drive this simple message across? The classroom is not an emotional dustbin to dump all pent-up emotions and the students not toilet papers to soak all this s_ _ _ _. If the teachers feel justified using vulgar words to drive some message across, then something must be very wrong indeed. Or are they exhibiting repressed sexual syndrome? My other half seem to think so.

It is time to wake up and stop this march towards becoming a slum Nation where street behaviour and gutter vocabulary become norm and modesty a rare commodity. And where is this better started than in schools. We do not need to limit teaching to nuns, priests, imams or mullahs. It is enough if teachers have some sense of responsibility and aptitude to do their job conscientiously and do not bring disrespect to this auspicious profession. Amin.


Anonymous said...

The disparity among teacher nowadays a so wide apart... they have loss the utmost respect of their profession.

Anonymous said...

Jo, you are right. Some teachers however still maintain their integrity and we have nothing but utmost respect and gratitude for them. Those desperados are a disgrace and should be barred from teaching. They should be zoo keepers instead....

Count Byron said...

Goo : I fell sad, really sad.

Sad for the nation, when those entrusted to hike up our social standing in the world are the VERY culprit that throw us into abyss.

Sad for your daughter, whom you have taken pains to etch great cultures and being cultured.. just to be devoured by the wolf of a TEACHER!

I had some troubling experiences too..and i just have to go confront the teacher concerned..and raise hell in the office... and they want to keep me shut..and talk on one to one basis? NO WAY Hose! When they inflicted the damage to my kid, they did it in broad daylight.. gawked upon by many..and they now want me to hush hush behind their pee door? They better find other victim! No one can get away with slighting our prized posession, our children! Some wives sacrificed a career to give the fullest attention to their children.. and hence impart great values...

These acts of selflessness on their part should not be tainted by these pissed off emotionally-inadequate vermins who called themselves teachers!

I love and respect people, and especially so teachers. But they are TEACHERS, not twits! Not sex-crazed, not dim-wit know-it-all, not match-head depraved desperados!

Anonymous said...

master gukita,

(if i may call u by that name as i found it from lord byron's blog)

its possible that a teacher did that. i'm saying this base on the fact that most teachers nowadays has no passion to teach and develop young minds in the masters and leaders. they are more interested in themselves rather.

thoug i am young as compared to you me lord, i have seen the difference in teachers of the days gone past and the teachers that will come to past. i remember during the days that i am beng thought, me mentors are people of high esteem and integrety...

truthfully, i fear the fate of me offspring to come...

Unknown said...

Teaching is a noble profession, Only if the teachers live to that expectations.

Teaching and educating is an ibadah. You will be rewarded if you do it correctly. And you are following the path of the Prophet, as he is a great teacher..

If you work just to earn a living... there goes the ibadah...

Count Byron said...

Goo. I put up a blog about our pent up frustrations with current miscreant of a teacher. Read some of the comments .. it is quite revealing

May Allah help you to have a way to resolve that sadness.

Norma Kassim PhD said...

right..i agree with u.

Anonymous said...

I'm overwhelmed. You have sum up and more the torrents of feelings I have but could not adequately describe. Not many could write in such eloquence anyway.... :-)

Anonymous said...

We need to get this general feeling across in any forums that is within our means. Get the feelings shared. This is our future, the future of our children. We cannot leave it to the whims and these so called teachers. Get them to know that we are not leaving our kids to them at their mercy as long as they do not blind or amputate them. Hell, nNO...

Anonymous said...

I hope teachers open their eyes and value the respect we give their is not a birthright but something to be earned...

Anonymous said...

Thank You. Let us get the message across before our children become victims to the decaying process of the profession..

Anonymous said...

Me lord gukita, here's another issue that should be highlighted. Would share your thoughts on this.

An excerp from

Are we going to take them ridiculing 121 (1A) lying down? Why aren't we saying anything? Are we just going to pretend we can't hear these hue and cry by the non-Muslims, and even fickle Muslims who can't decide whether they want to be practising Muslims or not on the matter? It seems that their voices of protest are louder than our dear meek Muslim brothers and sisters, whose silence seem to be signifying either their stupidity, ignorance, or cowardice to even verbally defend the law that protects them.

The Syariah Law is an Islamic Law. It is God's law. It is all-encompassing, unless you keep fiddling and amending it. It is supposed to be adhered to if you are a Muslim. You can't pick and choose whatever you think would suit your interest best, and let the non-Muslims question and bend an Islamic law at their whim.

The Islamic law is for Muslims. If your father died and left you a million bucks, would you like a complete stranger tell you how to spend it, or worse, even force you to spend it in their favour? Certainly not. Because the money is yours. It is your right.

For anyone to suggest that the Syariah Court is inferior to the Civil Court is truly appalling. Yet a prominent lawyer, operating in racial and religious-sensitive Malaysia, can make such a statement. It is ugly, his conduct.

That this is an Islamic country which allows freedom to practice any other religion should not be abused. If you are ever guilty of agreeing with a non-Muslim that Islamic law sucks just because you can't seem to adhere to it, or are ashamed to be bound by it, then shame on you. Fatwas made by ulama with worldly gains in mind notwithstanding, the Islamic law is still one of the best and just when it comes to taking care of the interests of Muslim. Non-Muslims are not bound or affected by this law. If they feel they are suffering because of it, then it is the result of the irresponsibility of one person or persons. I hate to speak ill of the dead, but Mohamad @ Moorthy should have informed his family of his conversion. All my sympathy goes out to the wife from day 1, but it is unfair to solely lay the blame on the Syariah Court for the way things turned out.

The way the non-Muslims minister rallied to challenge 121 (1A) is bordering on insolence. Actually, it is insolence in its entirety. 121 (1A) is the bare minimum, it is all we Muslims have! And even that is being challenged.

What is Malaysia coming to? Memang nak kiamat.

*Article 121(1A) states that civil courts have no jurisdiction over matters which are within the jurisdiction of the Syariah court.

thewailer said...

an entry well put on a rather sad note...I despise such abuses on both the student and moral-trust.

Anonymous said...

First lordship is not an appropriate address to Gukita (Eastern lingo; Gu = comrade, kita = us). I would have used Gudemo(Gu=comrade, demo=you) had it not been used by an auto shop!!

I share with you the utter disgust I felt at the complacency and laissez faire attitude of the Melayu chiefs including the keris branding one who was so vocal in the Party's National Assemble. The Non-Muslim ministers of very senior level (should pension ages ago) could act outside cabinet and dare gang up and issue memorandum to the PM who is head of the cabinet touching on the core of Melayu identity (melayu adalah beragama Islam by constitution) and they could only wait for PM to open his mouth before opening their tight lips.

If this is the state of our leaders who should be putting Malay / Islam agenda TOP in priority then forget about Hidup Melayu or Tak Melayu Hilang diDunia. It's already lost in Timbaktu long time ago. My daughter's case in the blog is just a symptom. The rot have set in long ago.

I'd rather not dwell for too long, you're hitting on a tender spot... :-)

demonsinme said...

My Goo,

come by my space, i have posted a new entry, leave your thoughts - it would of much value to me. If its no trouble, ask some of your blogger friends to come by too.

Anonymous said...

I think a short form is in order, but is this appropriate? No maice intended, just commaraderie...

I will InsyaAllah post something because this issue you are raising is not a normal read and retort kind of writing which could be dispensed without much soul searcing. This is a close to heart issue and I think I will have to take a bit of time to sort out my thinking and relay it as closely as I can......

cekmi said...

Dear Razali, the issue is close to my heart as i m in this profession. but being in so-called private Islamic institution, we have rules to follow. Thank God our students are all Malay adults who are passive enuff to even raise their eyebrows in the classroom, maybe due to language constraint as we practice English in all matters. One more thing, teachers here are all business-oriented who never vulgarise their methods because students are customers.

By theway, there are of course teachers, esp government, who take teaching thingy lightly, i agree. and i totally agree that they maybe sexually deprived. Freud's laws.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you totally; there's a big differrence between private and govt institution. Students are customers in the former, hence one of the pay masters. You of course cannot jeopardise the pay check.... However, notwithstanding that, if we realise that we have a share in ensuring the continued development of our generation by instilling positive values thro' lessons as well as action in the way we impart the lessons, the differrence is immaterial....

demonsinme said...

My goo,

its ok, you may call me by what name you wish. i took the Demonsinme as to reminds of the demons that resides within, so to anwswer you, appropriatness is not an issue.

thanks for coming by and leaving your thoughts. i have posted an entry as a reply.